Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Laura & Simon's photos online

Laura & Simon's wedding photos from Airth Castle are now available to view online. Go here to view images individually (click on the thumbnail to view a larger version) or here for a slideshow of the whole set.

We'd love to hear what you think of the pictures - feel free to use the comments function below and leave us a message.

Sunday, 21 October 2007

Kirsten & Andrew's Wedding

Saturday saw us back once more at the beautiful Melville Castle near Edinburgh for Kirsten & Andrew's wedding. Despite the rugby World Cup their friends and family were out in force, many having traveled from south of the border for the occasion.

The service was conducted by Andrew's Aunt, who happens to be a minister in Wolverhampton, which added a special intimacy to the whole ceremony. Even the weather was on our side, and we were able to get some fabulous pictures both in the castle itself and around the grounds. Here are some of my favourites from the day:

It's always good to hear from people we've met at weddings, so please feel free to use the Comments function and leave us a message.

Tuesday, 16 October 2007

New range of frames

If you've seen us at one of the recent wedding fairs then you won't have failed to notice our new range of frames! The reaction has been fantastic, especially the multi-image frames which are a very modern and unique way to display your wedding photos. The frames are hand-made and feature special non-reflective glass, with sizes from 10x8 up to 32x28 (that's big - really big!)

Here's a few to whet your appetite from our display, there is a huge variety of styles available and we now have samples of every frame in the range to show.

Delivery is still possible for Christmas ... if you're quick!

Monday, 15 October 2007

Sarah-Jane & Chris at Heriot's & The Holyrood Hotel

While Anna was at the Corn Exchange (see previous post) I was just up the road at George Heriot's for the wedding of Sarah-Jane and Chris. I've covered weddings there before, and it is a very unusual venue - not often people get married in a school! After the wedding the rain held off while we took lots of pictures around the grounds, then it was off to the fabulous Holyrood Hotel for an epic reception. The party was in full swing when we left at around 10.30pm, and I imagine there were a good few sore heads on Sunday morning! As I write this Sarah-Jane and Chris will already be in Costa Rica on their honeymoon, so here are a few pictures from the day:

Sunday, 14 October 2007

Corn Exchange Wedding Show

Saturday and Sunday saw the regular wedding fair at The Corn Exchange in Edinburgh. Like most of the exhibitors we've been going to this show for years, and if you weren't there you missed probably the best show of the year (don't worry, there's another in February 08). It's not the biggest show of the year but it has a friendly atmosphere that makes it much more enjoyable for visitors and exhibitors alike.

For this years show we had a new stand, picked specifically to show off our new range of frames - everybody who saw them commented how great they looked, especially the multi-image frames which is a new line for us, and pretty much unique.

I was at a wedding on the Saturday so Anna was on her own for most of the day, but we were both there on Sunday - if you were at the show we hope you enjoyed it. Response was excellent, and 2008 dates are going fast, so if you haven't already booked best get your skates on!

Saturday, 13 October 2007

Laura & Simon's Wedding at Airth Castle

What a weekend - my feet still hurt! It was always going to be tough - two big weddings plus a two-day wedding fair, all in 72 hours!

First up was Friday's wedding - Laura & Simon's at Airth Castle. This was my first visit to Airth Castle for a few years, and the venue has been refurbished extensively, restoring it to it's previous glory.

As is usually the case I started in the morning with the girls getting ready at Laura's parents' house, and then headed over to the castle for the wedding itself. Here are a few of my favourite pictures from the day:

Tuesday, 9 October 2007

Sue & Alistair's Wedding Photos Now Online!

The photos from Sue & Alistair's wedding at Guthrie Castle are now available to view online. You can view individual images here (click on the thumbnail to see a larger version), or go here to watch the slideshow of the whole collection. There is no need to log in, and no obligation to purchase anything, however should you wish to do so orders can be placed and paid for online.
We hope you enjoy the photographs as much as we enjoyed the wedding. Please feel free to use the comments function below to let us know what you think.