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Blog Archive
Thursday, 19 April 2007
Tuesday, 17 April 2007
New website live!
It's been a long time in the making but our fab new website is finally live! Check it out here and let us know what you think of the layout, the colours, the music and (most importantly) the picture galleries.
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Graeme Brown Photography
Tuesday, 10 April 2007
Jane & Doug's Wedding
The day after Claire and Garry's wedding in Edinburgh I was back in action slightly further down the coast in East Lothian for Jane & Doug's wedding. The wedding took place at Dirleton Church, with the reception at The Marine Hotel in North Berwick. It was the first time I'd been to the Marine since it was bought by Macdonald Hotels and completely refurbished, and the hotel looks fabulous now.
The weather was stunning, it's not Photoshop - there really wasn't a cloud in the sky when Jane and her Dad arrived for the ceremony.The church looked great decked out in flowers from Jane's father's garden
After the ceremony we all headed to the Marine Hotel for the reception. One of the great things about the Marine is that it sits right by the sea, so before the meal went outside to grab a few shots. The shadows are a clue to how sunny was, it really was amazing weather for early April.
We were just doing the last group shot before dinner with all the guys in kilts when the little pageboy ran forward and stared at me (having stood patiently for the session), and it made for my favourite shot of the wedding:
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Graeme Brown Photography
Monday, 9 April 2007
Claire & Garry's Wedding
Claire & Garry's wedding was a fantastic day, with the marriage at one of my favourite Edinburgh venues Mansfield Traquair. The building was originally Mansfield Place Church, a pretty standard church apart from vast murals by the artist Phoebe Traquair which led it to be known as Edinburgh's Sistine Chapel. When the church closed a group was set up to preserve the building, and now it is a unique venue for weddings and functions. I love it.
Claire looked stunning .....
Garry is in the Army and has just finished a long tour of duty in Afganistan. He got married in full uniform and looked pretty good too.
Around 60 guests watched the ceremony
On the way from the wedding to the reception we stopped off at the Royal Mile to take a few shots. This is a picture I have had in my mind for ages, and the combination of a great couple and beautiful weather made it happen for us.
The reception was held at The Counting House where Claire's brother is the manager. The Counting House is a suite of function rooms above the Pear Tree pub in West Nicolson Street, and they have recently been refurbished to a very high standard - the food was good too!
The reception was a lively affair, with one of the best wedding bands I've heard in ages. It was a long day with the ceremony at 11.30am, but everyone enjoyed themselves and I am sure Claire and Garry will have a great life together. The rest of the photos will be up shortly, I will post a link here as soon as they are done.
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Graeme Brown Photography
Tuesday, 3 April 2007
Easter Weekend looms!
Easter is always busy for weddings and this year is no different, in fact we've got three weddings in two days! On Friday Claire & Garry are getting married at Mansfield Traquair, and then on Saturday I'll be at Dirleton Church and The Marine Hotel in North Berwick for Jane and Doug's wedding. As my family (on my Mum's side) comes from Dunbar it will be great to be back in East Lothian, it's a while since I've been down there. Also on Saturday we are doing a video for another Claire and her soon-to-be husband Gavin at Craighouse Campus in Edinburgh. I will be further down the coast so Tracy, one of our regular camera operators will be covering this one.
A busy weekend but it should be good - fingers crossed for good weather, wish us luck!
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Graeme Brown Photography